Guidelines for Participation: Difference between revisions

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# There is always room for improvement in any situation whether that's a method, system, product or service. To propose that something is perfect and try to justify why it doesn't need to be changed or improved is a brave assumption that needs a lot of proof.
# There is always room for improvement in any situation whether that's a method, system, product or service. To propose that something is perfect and try to justify why it doesn't need to be changed or improved is a brave assumption that needs a lot of proof.
# The website will always be under development. All of its documentation can be revised at any time. A lot of material in the documentation is only a suggestion. Anyone can improve ideas or contribute new ideas and new content to the documentation. Just be sure that if you add something, you add it to the right place.
# The website will always be under development. All of its documentation can be revised at any time. A lot of material in the documentation is only a suggestion. Anyone can improve ideas or contribute new ideas and new content to the documentation. Just be sure that if you add something, you add it to the right place.
# Be bold in thinking about new ideas and developing them. Don't worry about failure or what people will think. Let your imagination and curiosity guide you.
#New ideas / Creativity:
## Be bold in thinking about new ideas and developing them. Don't worry about failure or what people will think. Let your imagination and curiosity guide you.
## When trying out new ideas, dont let fear of failure be the driving factor. The only reason for rejecting an idea is that if it has been tried in exactly the same way in multiple situations. If there are perceived problems, we can deal with them when we get there. Don't resist trying something new because you think it might fail in some way in some situations.
## Stay open-minded. Develop the ability to evaluate/consider multiple solutions/ideas at the same time so you can compare pros/cons and see what can be improved. Maybe we have to mix ideas in order to arrive at the next stage of a solution.
## Be open to new ideas. Often new ideas are criticized in various ways because a mental effort is required to understand the idea and this mental burden makes a person uncomfortable because they have to make an effort to understand the idea from an objective point of view. It may also be uncomfortable to realize that people may have to change their ways or thinking because change is often resisted. Also, new ideas don't have to implemented globally at the same time. There can be smaller implementations for test, experimentation, validation and research. Expect to find ideas that you will disagree with, both here in the documentation and on any forums on the website.
# Become familiar with [[Solving Complex Problems]]
# Become familiar with [[Solving Complex Problems]]
# Have a constructive and positive attitude. This doesn't mean that you are discouraged from pointing out issues. Just be constructive.
# Have a constructive and positive attitude. This doesn't mean that you are discouraged from pointing out issues. Just be constructive.
# Strive for improvement, not perfection. Dont reject a solution because its not perfect i.e [ don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.]  
# Strive for improvement, not perfection. Dont reject a solution because its not perfect i.e [ don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.]  
# Stay open-minded. Develop the ability to evaluate/consider multiple solutions/ideas at the same time so you can compare pros/cons and see what can be improved. Maybe we have to mix ideas in order to arrive at the next stage of a solution.
# Working With Others:
# Be open to new ideas. Often new ideas are criticized in various ways because a mental effort is required to understand the idea and this mental burden makes a person uncomfortable because they have to make an effort to understand the idea from an objective point of view. It may also be uncomfortable to realize that people may have to change their ways or thinking because change is often resisted. Also, new ideas don't have to implemented globally at the same time. There can be smaller implementations for test, experimentation, validation and research. Expect to find ideas that you will disagree with, both here in the documentation and on any forums on the website.
## Work together with others on a common goal
# Work together with others on a common goal
## There will be people from all over the world contributing to the website whose native language will not be English. Keep in mind that anyone's knowledge of a specific language has little to no bearing on their intellect and quality of ideas and work that they can perform. Focus on what is important and the message being delivered.
# There will be people from all over the world contributing to the website whose native language will not be English. Keep in mind that anyone's knowledge of a specific language has little to no bearing on their intellect and quality of ideas and work that they can perform. Focus on what is important and the message being delivered.
## No one is perfect and everyone has certain imperfections in their ideas or communications. We should be forgiving of people and try to see the kind of contributions a person can make and not disagree with all the opinions and actions of a person because of a few issues. Also, people can disagree on some things and thats ok. We all can agree that there are serious problems in the world that need to be solved. We have to find ways on how to improve the situation. Please find the area of your interest on this website and raise your concerns.
# No one is perfect and everyone has certain imperfections in their ideas or communications. We should be forgiving of people and try to see the kind of contributions a person can make and not disagree with all the opinions and actions of a person because of a few issues. Also, people can disagree on some things and thats ok. We all can agree that there are serious problems in the world that need to be solved. We have to find ways on how to improve the situation. Please find the area of your interest on this website and raise your concerns.
## Do not engage in any kind of [ ad hominem] while talking to others. This weakens your argument
## During disagreements, avoid becoming hot-headed. You may have a valid point but when you become upset, people tend to avoid listening. Take a break and come back to it later.
# Do not support a viewpoint only because that's the way it has been done in the past. If thats the only defense for supporting that viewpoint, the defense of such a viewpoint is invalid. Defending something only because thats the way it has been done in the past is the least intellectually demanding and least desired.
# Do not support a viewpoint only because that's the way it has been done in the past. If thats the only defense for supporting that viewpoint, the defense of such a viewpoint is invalid. Defending something only because thats the way it has been done in the past is the least intellectually demanding and least desired.
# Use logical and rational arguments
# Use logical and rational arguments
# Do not engage in any kind of [ ad hominem] while talking to others. This weakens your argument
# Try to make systems inclusive instead of restrictive unless there's a really good reason.
# Try to make systems inclusive instead of restrictive unless there's a really good reason.
# Respect subject-matter experts and the research and data they have created and compiled. If you disagree with their findings, be sure to find alternate research/data to support your claims. Realize that as an arbitrary person on the internet, your subjective opinions can be challenged by anyone and if you provide references to back up your claims, you will strengthen your argument.
# Respect subject-matter experts and the research and data they have created and compiled. If you disagree with their findings, be sure to find alternate research/data to support your claims. Realize that as an arbitrary person on the internet, your subjective opinions can be challenged by anyone and if you provide references to back up your claims, you will strengthen your argument.

Revision as of 12:55, 27 November 2019

None of us are perfect however we have to work with everyone else in our real jobs and at home. Here are some guidelines for being involved in the project. Most of them involve how to work with other people. These are numbered so they can be referenced in discussions:

  1. There is always room for improvement in any situation whether that's a method, system, product or service. To propose that something is perfect and try to justify why it doesn't need to be changed or improved is a brave assumption that needs a lot of proof.
  2. The website will always be under development. All of its documentation can be revised at any time. A lot of material in the documentation is only a suggestion. Anyone can improve ideas or contribute new ideas and new content to the documentation. Just be sure that if you add something, you add it to the right place.
  3. New ideas / Creativity:
    1. Be bold in thinking about new ideas and developing them. Don't worry about failure or what people will think. Let your imagination and curiosity guide you.
    2. When trying out new ideas, dont let fear of failure be the driving factor. The only reason for rejecting an idea is that if it has been tried in exactly the same way in multiple situations. If there are perceived problems, we can deal with them when we get there. Don't resist trying something new because you think it might fail in some way in some situations.
    3. Stay open-minded. Develop the ability to evaluate/consider multiple solutions/ideas at the same time so you can compare pros/cons and see what can be improved. Maybe we have to mix ideas in order to arrive at the next stage of a solution.
    4. Be open to new ideas. Often new ideas are criticized in various ways because a mental effort is required to understand the idea and this mental burden makes a person uncomfortable because they have to make an effort to understand the idea from an objective point of view. It may also be uncomfortable to realize that people may have to change their ways or thinking because change is often resisted. Also, new ideas don't have to implemented globally at the same time. There can be smaller implementations for test, experimentation, validation and research. Expect to find ideas that you will disagree with, both here in the documentation and on any forums on the website.
  4. Become familiar with Solving Complex Problems
  5. Have a constructive and positive attitude. This doesn't mean that you are discouraged from pointing out issues. Just be constructive.
  6. Strive for improvement, not perfection. Dont reject a solution because its not perfect i.e don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
  7. Working With Others:
    1. Work together with others on a common goal
    2. There will be people from all over the world contributing to the website whose native language will not be English. Keep in mind that anyone's knowledge of a specific language has little to no bearing on their intellect and quality of ideas and work that they can perform. Focus on what is important and the message being delivered.
    3. No one is perfect and everyone has certain imperfections in their ideas or communications. We should be forgiving of people and try to see the kind of contributions a person can make and not disagree with all the opinions and actions of a person because of a few issues. Also, people can disagree on some things and thats ok. We all can agree that there are serious problems in the world that need to be solved. We have to find ways on how to improve the situation. Please find the area of your interest on this website and raise your concerns.
    4. Do not engage in any kind of ad hominem while talking to others. This weakens your argument
    5. During disagreements, avoid becoming hot-headed. You may have a valid point but when you become upset, people tend to avoid listening. Take a break and come back to it later.
  8. Do not support a viewpoint only because that's the way it has been done in the past. If thats the only defense for supporting that viewpoint, the defense of such a viewpoint is invalid. Defending something only because thats the way it has been done in the past is the least intellectually demanding and least desired.
  9. Use logical and rational arguments
  10. Try to make systems inclusive instead of restrictive unless there's a really good reason.
  11. Respect subject-matter experts and the research and data they have created and compiled. If you disagree with their findings, be sure to find alternate research/data to support your claims. Realize that as an arbitrary person on the internet, your subjective opinions can be challenged by anyone and if you provide references to back up your claims, you will strengthen your argument.
  12. Dont jump to conclusions without looking at the complete argument. Dont misrepresent what others are saying.
  13. One solution doesnt have to fit everything. Often we need different solutions for different situations. Solutions can also be implemented partially.
  14. Avoid spending 90% of your time for trying to solve a problem that only happens 1% of the time. Make sure that problems that happen the most are addressed first. Its a better use of everyone's time.
  15. When making a claim, be aware of the difference between these three words: belief, evidence, facts. If you make a claim, be prepared to provide evidence for it when asked. Dont say something that is actually your belief and dont try to pass it of as a fact if you dont have evidence for it. This doesnt mean the claim shouldnt be made. In fact we really need a diversity of opinions. Science progresses because of experimentation and trying things that havent been proven yet. Just communicate to others that what you are saying is a belief and when others ask for evidence, don't take it personally.
Discouraged Behavior

The following behavior is discouraged:

  1. Suggesting that there is no solution (we need to consider all solutions and try then out before proposing that there is no solution)

Likewise anyone with any of the following qualities/characteristics is strongly discouraged from joining the project because their presence will be disruptive on the website:

  1. Resistant to change
  2. Not open to new ideas
  3. Not willing to compromise and work with others
  4. Supporting something because thats the way its been done in the past

If anyone has any of the above characteristics, please do not join the website unless you are willing to understand how people work together and if you are willing to change so you can make positive contributions. If you are not willing to change, please don't join the website and let others do the work they want to do. We will keep refining our policies to deal with disruptive personalities in the best possible way. We will not have people stand in the way of progress and change. We already have enough of that in our current leadership systems.

  1. Intentional and on-going trolling is not expected to happen often. However when it does, it will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly. will have to come up with a system where people with the above characteristics can be swiftly detected and we will have to decide what to do in those situations.

If you have anger issues, become offended easily, have pre-existing biases and are unwilling to change please don't bring these things into your interactions with others. Take some time off to learn about yourself and learn how to work with others. Reach out for help at various self-help and mental health issues. As again, none of us are perfect. All of us have various personality flaws and we can always become better.

Disruptive Activity; what qualifies and how to deal with it

There are many issues where everyone is on the same page. For example most people agree that human rights need to be improved. However there are topics where people have different opinions. One person may strongly dislike a certain Unit and its Objectives. If they willfully try to disrupt the activities of that Unit, this cannot be allowed to continue because people who are working towards a common goal do not need disruptions. Such comments and activity should be removed from the Unit with a warning to the offending user. A user may be temporarily/permanently banned from participating in a Unit.

How do we know when a line has been crossed between providing feedback, respectfully disagreeing and being willfully disruptive? When its clear that the offending user has no intent of being constructive, when it is clear that they dislike the Unit and any of its goals. Give the user some time to express their opinions, remind them of the rules and ask about their intent and then take action when appropriate.

Everyone is reminded that they are free to create or pursue Units that are aligned with their views. Rather than spending energy in Units that one doesn't agree with, they should find Units that they support and see what they can do to contribute to the Units of their choice.

Guidelines for moderators/administrators

Everyone makes mistakes. Tempers flare, emotions rise, people feel passionate about something and lose their tempers. We need to be forgiving and allow people time to realize their mistakes and change their behaviors Any bans/suspensions should be temporary. Permanent bans/suspensions should almost never be used unless there's consensus and its an extreme situation and there have been repeated violations with no signs of improvement. Misuse of administrative rights will be investigated.