Citizenship Leadership - Website Functionality

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The main website is a generic task-management system that can be used to improve any project. Many projects need their own specialized software which is why the proposed Javul Information Technology Group exists. This section will describe some specifics of this performance-based system.

Regular citizens should be able to report issues, give ideas and complete tasks and objectives. The system should be able to recognize and reward those who engage in these valuable activities. Elected officials and government leaders should be able to examine all of this activity by citizens and take action on it and also take part in the system. Citizens should be able to monitor the activity of our leaders and provide important feedback when needed.

Possible Names: CitiLead

All users of the site (Citizens and Leaders) can take part in these activities:

  • Communication: Forum, Chat
  • Wiki editing ( ---- needs more specifics... wiki editing for what other objects)
    • Bills, treaties (anyone can propose a bill or treaty. No one owns any object, they are edited by everyone). These objects can be proposed by a voting majority when the community thinks they are ready, moving them to the 'proposed' category. Process needs to be defined for bills and treaties
  • Issue Reporting and submitting of Ideas (with wiki editing and discussions for both of these components)
  • Objectives and Tasks (with discussion and wiki-enabled editing)

These same components are also found on the Products/Services side of the website. There are some differences or additional features as well which relate to the legal/laws/policies aspect of government

  • Decision making - but need to resolve issues with polarization, need the best decisions to be visible (e.g. supported with data or those that are a compromise)

Profile Differences. Here are some differences between citizens and government officials:

  • Citizens can add new leader profiles to the website (profiles can be later claimed by those leaders).
  • 'Govt Officials' will be flagged in the system as 'Government Official' (there will be a verification process for a change in status for both directions)
  • Govt Officials have extra data fields attached to their profiles: Actions (or another word). These can be created by themselves or by Citizens
  • Citizens can audit and review the actions/activities of government officials.

Views of the Website:

  • Home page - Show ongoing activity globally, as well as locally (based on login profile settings or detected IP address)
  • Best Leaders - showcase our most passionate, driven and hard-working leaders. We can view leaders for all categories combined or specific categories
Adding an Activity for a Leader
  • User clicks on a Leader's Profile and then "Add an Activity". They can also click on "Add an Activity" and then select who it was done by.
  • Select 'Activity Type':
    • Bills, Laws (Create, Revision, Support, Oppose),
    • Treaties (Interstate, International ; Create, Revise, Support, Oppose),
    • Problem-Solving (Analysis, Research, Propose Solution),
    • Objectives and Tasks (Create, Edit, Complete etc),
    • Meetings -> Online, Face-to-Face (Create, Lead, Attend)
  • Activity Title (less than 130 chars)
  • Activity Description (2000 char)
  • Leader's 'Engagement Level' remains the same (e.g. 'State'). It can be changed only using a thorough qualification process to be defined later.
  • Select Activity Category (Environment, Crime etc) and sub-category as needed
Activity Evaluation and Dispute Resolution
  • ...
  • Featured Government Dysfunction that mentions examples of government dysfunction. We can categorize it. Database items can be: date, title, content, link, geographic location etc
Consensus Builder .... how (driven by the public)


  • Study further the Adding of an Activity for a leader and the Eval process
  • Issues, Objectives, Tasks, Activities: All have data type 'engagement level' which can be of these types: Neighborhood, City, State, National, International ---- redundant classification? Or Unit
  • Categories of Activities (Environment, Crime, Consumer protection etc. There are a lot of them)
  • Action Types (these apply to leaders only or... not?): Bill Creation, ... what else?