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A new way of doing things

No idea on this website is unique or extraordinary. People have thought about wanting to live cooperatively since a long time and have been trying to solve various issues in society.

What is different now compared to 30 or 300 years ago? Internet exists and its popular and everyone is connected via their smartphones or computers. This type of global network did not exist 30 years ago. The internet already enables cooperation of different kind, Wikipedia being a prime example which is built by volunteers. Because of the internet we have the opportunity to utilize this network to further strengthen human cooperation.

People attempt to find single ‘unification’ theories or process models for things. By experience and intuition they feel a single theory can work for certain areas. For example scientists have pursued the 'grand unification theory'. Machine learning experts such as Andrew Ng have suggested that there can be one way of implementing machine learning so a machine doesn't have to be specifically programmed to do a certain task. Working on some of these unification theories is hard work as it involves a lot of knowledge and experience.

Javul aims to create and improve a single system that can work for all areas of society where progress can be contributed by anyone. Such a system is actually relatively simple to think of. The rest of the documentation talks about what elements this system will have, such as Units, Tasks and Objectives, feedback system and a way to maximize transparency and so on. While this simple system can be applied to almost any situation we have to also remember that most problems require their own unique solutions and this reddit link is a good example: What is the point of using screws with a Phillips head, flathead, allen, hex, etc. instead of just having one universal screw type?

How people use the problem-solving tools provided by Javul is up to them. They can be used to create and meet objectives, some examples of which are mentioned in this document. For example, one aim can be to reduce or eliminate the rule of corporations and governments as they exist in today’s world and to transfer the power they have over the masses to competent, knowledgeable and hard-working groups of people while maintaining full public accountability and transparency. This would be a new way to run the world. The great thing about the tools offered by Javul is that they can be used in any situation, by any group, individual or organization.

Introducing a new model for society

Currently the model that the world runs on is based on personal requirements. People work for a living to buy things that have some utility for them. The primary motive of companies today is to make a profit. This project can try to introduce other models in addition to the one we already have.

Both kinds of models would exist. The new model would encourage people work for things that are beneficial for society. Creating a successful model where the masses are strongly motivated to work for improvement of society is one of the goals of this project. Currently only a small portion of society spends significant amounts of their time for the improvement of society. These people are found in activist organisations and volunteer groups and they are usually doing the work for free although there are non-profit organizations as well which do the same kind of work. All of them form a small percentage of society. Our goal is to significantly increase this percentage.

It's important to notice that Javul does not support penalization of undesired or bad behavior but rather rewarding those who engage in good behavior. This means no one should be forced in do anything they don’t want to do.

Smart and hard working have existing throughout human history. One difference between then and now is the internet. It can enable people in remote locations in a way that was not possible before.

Basic Income

Automation and high-efficiency production along with the use of AI is becoming more and more prevalent. Here's a quote from Stephen Hawkings posted on Reddit:

"If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

The future of society should not be at the mercy of politicians and powerful corporations. Basic Income is therefore an important and relevant issue for us. It becomes even more important to have organizations and governments which work for the people in a competent and accountable way.



Brainstorming, Light-bulb moments and Creativity - these are similar words that have the same concept. How do we increase brainstorming, generation, preservation and evolution of new ideas? This is critical. Without creativity, we cannot have effective problem-solving. This topic requires a special focus.

Various Links