Tasks (to do)

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Revision as of 03:13, 1 August 2022 by Usmaan (talk | contribs)
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Website Development Job Description for Redesign


  • General Discussion (at top)
  • Issues, Ideas, Objectives, Tasks
  • Administrative Issues:
    • Discussions for editing Issue Types ... and other items


  • make wireframe

  • Think about Forum .. how to divide
  • Donation Options (review previous and plan for this one)
  • Design of Payment and Distribution system
  • (maybe) Get hired help from Bubble.io export to make prototype
  • Start new doc
  • Government and Leadership (new sub-project)
    • Ask for help from Political Science (1) post on reddit on politics related sub-reddits (2) try Upwork for consulting advice from political experts

Open-source Society Project

  • Finalize main page of Taxi app (main task) - Taxi home page
    1. job revise (upwork)
    2. done (nothing special): Check old design (both for the Job descr, and the final implemented design)
    3. Check project management images on Google, for both the main page and the Side menu
    4. Finalize Right side menu
    5. Analyze previous ideas from Team meetings and add them
    6. Edit design with updates from the above
Reminders for me
  • Define sub-tasks as much as possible (this needs to be complete before a main task is begun)

Key Components

  • Ideation
  • Problem Analysis and Solution Tools
  • Issue Reporting and Resolution
  • Goal-setting
  • Task Management
    • Skills
    • Areas of Interest
  • Reputation Systems:
    • Idea Points
    • Activity Points
  • Reward/Motivational Systems (Monetary or points or awards)
  • Participatory Budgeting
  • .. others

Page Views

  • Main Home Page
  • Unit Home page
    • Units, Issues, Objectives, Tasks
    • Task Management pages