Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns

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Throughout its lifetime, Javul will be faced with many problems (easy and complex). Like how it applies to society, the problems of the project can only be worked upon if people talk about them so criticism is important for the project and is an important method by which it will evolve and improve. If you have any concerns or suggestions for the website please let us know. Making changes to a website is not that difficult. The harder part is doing the right kind of change which can be done more effectively if more people examine the website and give their opinions.

Some people are more suspicious of new initiatives than others and that’s not a bad thing. Sometimes they are right and they can help uncover information to everyone. Everyone is encouraged to investigate this project as thoroughly as they can and ask as many questions as they like.

Why/How was 'Javul' chosen as the name for this project?[edit | edit source]

Javul is a Hungarian word which means "to improve". The name 'Javul' was chosen because of its meaning, it's short and the domain was available. This name is appropriate for the project but it can be changed later if we find a better name. Names dont really matter much since there was a time when the term 'Google' was not recognized and today people understand it as a verb for searching the web. See Project Names for more on this topic.

Does Javul officially support any specific objectives?[edit | edit source] is only a problem-solving tool and a method to help people concerned with certain issues to connect with like-minded people and achieve common objectives. There are many ideas presented in the documentation (new models for businesses and governments, Global Citizen Curriculum etc). These ideas are only suggested initiatives. It is up to people to decide what problems/objectives/initiatives they want to work on and how they want to use the provided tools.

Is the Javul project some kind of new world order?[edit | edit source]

This project is not a ‘new world order’ or anything similar. The aim of any ‘Nwo’ is to give power to a few select people or organizations while keeping important operational details secret. In this project we are doing the opposite. We’re seeking to empower the common civilian to apply their expertise and knowledge, take part in the direction of society, contribute positively, make decisions and make a difference. Transparency and accountability is critical.

Does Javul propose that wealth should be distributed equally or does it support any particular ideology?[edit | edit source]

Javul does not encourage creating a society which is completely homogeneous, where everyone is rewarded/compensated equally regardless of the level of their contributions or where going against the crowd is discouraged. Any kind or amount of compensation and recognition that a person gets in society should be related to their level of contributions to society. Diversity of opinions is a sign of a healthy society.

How can Javul have an impact? Its just a website[edit | edit source]

Javul is not about ‘clicktivism’ or ‘slacktivism’. The core of the website is about doing things, not just signing petitions or clicking a ‘like’ button.

There are other task management tools on the web. Why re-invent the wheel?[edit | edit source]

This is our own open-source software that we can change as we like. If we use an existing system, in most cases we have to change it to meet our needs and the results may not be ideal and we may be forced to adapt to something that doesnt fit our needs.

A specific solution suggested on the website may not be perfect[edit | edit source]

No solution has to be perfect/universal or absolute. It is almost impossible to have a solution that has the support of everyone. We have to experiment, search for a consensus, be willing to compromise and be open to change as new feedback comes in. Perfect/flawless and absolute knowledge of a situation is not required before a solution is attempted. If we wait for perfect knowledge to be acquired, we might never start working on a solution.

Financial concerns[edit | edit source]

  1. This project is not a way for the website owner (me) to make money. At this time I have a regular job that pays me sufficiently and the Javul Paypal account is not setup to transfer money into my bank account. Any money that comes into the Paypal account can only be taken out if someone earns it through the website (engaging in site activity such as completing tasks). There is additional information in the history and About me sections.
  2. When money is involved, publicly funded projects on KickStarter are different from what happens on Javul because here there are no business owners who can take the money and disappear or not deliver what was promised. Everything is broken down into tasks that can be completed and there is full accountability. Kickstarter is only a fund-raising tool.
  3. Money offered for site activity and completing tasks is optional and is meant to be a catalyst so more things can get done. We all know that most adults have jobs and spend a large part of their lives doing something which they would not do if money was not a motivating factor. Earning money by doing certain tasks and jobs that need to be done is part of our current existence and way of life and it is ok to have a system where people get compensated (if they wish to be) for their contributions, whether its a regular job or something related to volunteering or activism. People can work on the site for free or for money so its a choice. There is no rule that says only people doing regular jobs can be compensated. If someone donates money with the desire that it can be used to compensate others and there are people who want to earn that money, that is a decision made by those two parties. Bystanders are not affected by it and should not criticize the system unless they can prove that having a system free of financial compensation is better.
  4. If you are planning to donate for any initiative on Javul, small amounts of donations are ok at this point. The website is still new and we need time to work out issues. Eventually we will be able to make the most effective use of donated funds. If you are planning to donate a large amount, please email us about the amount and the purpose of the funds. When we think our website is ready to securely and effectively manage large amounts of funds we will let you know.

Who started this project and who is managing it?[edit | edit source]

For now its just me, one person. Lets change that. Get Involved. You can read more about me on this page. (note to self: Update this section later) (CHANGE <---- needs link).

What are the various websites/online platforms related to[edit | edit source]

See Platforms

Other Concerns[edit | edit source]

  1. The goals of the project are not unrealistic. We have to accept that it is impossible to have an ideal society. There will always be some negative issues that are impossible to eradicate completely and that is ok. We are striving for improvement, not perfection.
  2. At times the word “masses” is used. Its used to represent the average civilian i.e. all of us; people other than politicians and those in positions of power.
  3. As for opinions that new ideas will not work or will have problems, we have to first recognize that we have existing problems and then go from there and work on those problems. We cannot let problems and issues stay unresolved otherwise things will not change. Also, if anyone has any alternative ideas they’re strongly encouraged to pursue those initiatives using any platform or methodology whether its Javul or another platform.
  4. Concepts like Marxism or communism are criticized by some people due to various reasons such as loss of freedom or the loss of choices etc. Javul at its core is just a problem-solving tool, designed to give people more power over their lives and provide them the tools to tackle problems and achieve progress in society. There is no controlling ideology or entity at Javul. Its up to people to decide how they want to use the tools given by the platform, what choices they make and what they work towards.
  5. This project does not criticize capitalism. We just believe that companies can always do better, striving for higher quality products and services and customer satisfaction, keeping costs as low as possible, making efficient use of their profits and having all their operational details available for the public. We also want to explore new types of companies that are owned by customers and employees instead of a few select leaders.
  6. Javul doesn’t suggest that it’s easy to solve problems we face. Please see the page on Solving Complex Problems.
  7. Are users of the website expected to achieve something extraordinary? Not at all. Improvement happens in small increments. We have to make a start and see how it goes. The website may or may not be of any significant use but we cannot predict that unless we give it a try.
  8. More and more people are learning that we need new ways of doing things. LBRY is claimed to be an example of a decentralized, community-owned website.
  9. Javul does not aim to compete with any website. Many websites have functionalities that can be used for our benefit.
  10. Most projects and problems require specialized software tools to manage their operations. A system to manage units, tasks and objectives is a relatively simple system and it is not the best tool to manage the operations of most units however the system can be used to manage the creation of more specialized software or tools that are needed by those projects. It is a basic tool that can be used to manage any tasks and objectives within a unit.
  11. Application of the tools provided by is not just limited to software and creating apps etc. This kind of task management system can be used for any scenario. The use of customized software for that scenario is optional.

The Scope of the project is too wide/vague[edit | edit source]

One could say Wikipedia's goal to be a knowledge source was too wide in scope because they didnt define what kind of knowledge they were going to focus on. Today they have millions of articles on all kinds of subjects and they are the 4th most popular website in the world and no one can imagine a world without Wikipedia. aims to create software and tools that can be used in a variety of situations as well as any other custom software as needed. We will start small and see how it goes.

How can I help?[edit | edit source]

Yes we need a lot of help. No one can do this alone and there are many ways of helping. See Get Involved

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Any criticism of Javul is not valid unless its pointed out in detail why the current situation is perfect or better than any alternatives that havent been tried out and why the current situation should not be changed and why alternatives would not work. If an alternative has not been tried in the past in exactly the same way, we cannot say it won't work and even then we must be willing to try again. We always have to be open to trying new things. The process of improving society is like creating inventions. It involves trying new things and new methodologies and it involves expecting failure, making adjustments and trying again. Successful inventions happen after many failures. As some popular quotes say, failure is not in failing itself but failing to try again.

In spite of the fact that the project is non-profit, open to inquiry and change and invites everyone to participate in any way they can and in spite of all attempts to explain concerns, there will always be some people who will decide to pick one statement or one reason and criticize the whole project and think its not a good idea and so on. Those people are welcome to raise their concerns on the forums and discuss what can be done to solve what they see as a problem. If there are additional concerns or questions, please ask them on our various internet platforms such as Reddit me so we can address them.