Objectives and Tasks for Javul.org

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Note: This page has not been updated in a while

(Temp) Upwork stuff, to do[edit | edit source]

  • Make Goals for now: Need to make system ready for the OpenGov app and the Good Deeds app
    • Task management system. Need to test system with test participants using demo Unit (for good deeds app)

Tasks[edit | edit source]

Current Tasks[edit | edit source]

  • Goals for now:
    • Picking a complex real world issue (eg the Amsterdam Red Light dist)
    • Finding a politics/law/governance brain to break it down
    • Finding a data visualizer / wire frames person to create mock up
    • Having robust discussions and debates throughout to fine tune it all
  • Take stuff from Software Development Tasks and move to Github as needed
  • Expand Transport App, Report a Problem App, Open-Source Language Learning Software, Good Deeds app
  • Look at current list of issues (the ones marked Purple) and resolve
  • Get Task management working, along with forums, wiki, chat. Reward-based project for finding and fixing each bug

Tasks for Later[edit | edit source]

  • Create new page related to 'External Initiatives for Better Government' (link to page on Apps, and take stuff from External Initiatives)
  • Clean up Possible Initiatives - Highlight important initiatives. Create short names for all other initiatives, create categories.
  • Add additional links and organizations to External Initiatives (check their Links pages, search on the internet). Find more people to contact.
    • We need a some detail on what projects these other organizations are doing and see if anyone is doing anything similar to the app that we want to create to track performance of leaders
  • Populate Unit Categories on the main website (need to cover most types of Units)
  • Tagline: Create a Tagline for the site and add it on every page of the main site and the doc wiki
  • Help information for Users: Create Help information on various locations to help users understand the site, and how to work with Units, Tasks, Objectives, Issues
  • Unit Approval/Review process: When we have more Units being created (later), we can add an approval/review process for newly created units to prevent duplicates or invalid units
  • Data export: For example download all Tasks into a CSV file (for import into Excel)

Objectives[edit | edit source]

These are some top-level objectives for us. The Tasks above will help complete these objectives:

  • Adoption and Motivation (karma, rewards for good ideas, visibility of good contributions, monetary rewards given with careful consideration to prevent misuse/manipulation)
  • Hire:
    • UX expert "who has strong insights into high content sites like Wikipedia, Reddit, Quora, etc. We'll (eventually) need someone with high level understanding of how to drive participation on Javul"
    • Developer(s) - "need help doing the wireframes (again I'm sure we can do it together to about 90% perfection, but a solid dev can just give us the edge)"
    • Researcher(s) - Analyze various kinds of issues (simple to complex). For complex issues, "need someone who can find contentious areas in civic/local government and come up with ideas of how those issues can be broken up into units. For example, I read recently about how Amsterdam's Red Light district is in crisis it's such a loaded issue of gender, sex, immigration, economics, sustainability, etc, etc and so there are many units and tasks which could be developed from this one issue alone. So by getting Amsterdam involved in this issue via Javul we'd help to promote the platform across central Europe since everyone either loves or hates Amsterdam's red light district. So for me we need a good researcher who can identify some really deep and complex issues across the world and develop ways that those issues can be better managed and resolved using Javul. That process of breaking up a real world issue into elements that Javul can tackle will allow us to test the robustness of the platform (and general idea)."
  • Functionality: Make the Javul.org ready for handling small units + Make our first Unit
    • Do a study on software/apps/websites related to Politics and Govt, see what exists and what is needed
    • Start working on our Political Performance Metrics app (keeping the above in mind). For further feedback, post a message to the sub-reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/opengov/), ask for ideas.
      • Create requirements, how the app will functionally work. Manage it via the main website's first Unit and get the website's features to work

(Proceed further only when the software is working correctly)

  • Start work on these important initiatives and start a Unit for them: Transport App (do this first), Report a Problem App, Open-Source Language Learning Software, Good Deeds app
  • Find other initiatives to work on (open source software projects)
  • Start work on the "Improving Leadership" initiative (creating a leadership system from the group-up)
  • Create a successful reward system - Reward System for Contributions - not sure when we'll try this, keep it here for now
  • Create databases of other volunteer/activism related initiatives that use technology (that arent related to politics; since we've already looked at politics by now)

On-Going Objectives[edit | edit source]

This objectives will always be active:

  • Software bugs/fixes/enhancements
  • Keep improving the incentive system that encourages people to perform at their best level in terms of cooperative teamwork, giving good ideas and working hard. This task is critical and needs critical and on-going attention.

Task to Complete Later[edit | edit source]

To do Later[edit | edit source]

  • Compensating Users based on Site Activity: How to compensate Users who are active in a Unit but haven't completed any tasks. Needs a lot of thought. Maybe any money that is not allocated to Tasks could be distributed but how/details ..
  • Features Unit: bring back the Featured Unit section on the main page. Also investigate featured Objectives.
Start these when Task management system and forum, wiki have been tested
  • Good Deeds app: Start work on the Good Deeds app (ask for opinions, get ideas and get work started on it)

Low-priority Feature Requests[edit | edit source]

  • Drafts for all objects: Allow users to save Drafts of newly created Units, Objectives and Tasks. Drafts are private by default and will be made public when published.
  • Share objects. Allow users to Share items (Units, Objectives, Tasks, Issues) on various platforms like Twitter, Facebook and others etc.

Needs Evaluation[edit | edit source]

  • (maybe skip for now) Can we link Task upvotes to task rewards? For example if tasks are upvoted by others, the task worker could get higher rewards. However what would the users vote on; how would the reward or bonus points be calculated? See Id12 in Bugs/Ideas