
From Javul
Revision as of 20:55, 31 July 2022 by Usmaan (talk | contribs)
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Hello, I am the creator/founder of I am working to get this project off the ground. Things I think a lot about are User-focused Product design, Recycling, environment/resource usage, Standardization, how to improve government and leadership (article) and other topics.

Tasks for me

Links for me

Group Activities

  • Create guidelines (transparency, open source, being open to criticism of ideas, no ownership of ideas or products, de-centralized power structure, group consensus)
  • How effective groups work
  • Reward Systems (but first beneficial activities that would be done). Creating a list of beneficial activities

Things to do

About me (to do later)

(Add later)

Timeline of Efforts

Item # Task Description Task Type Cost Date of Activity
1 Example Example Example Example
2 Example Example Example Example
3 Example Example Example Example

Freelancer task, Create a successful plan for the project’s execution - $100 - May 2014

Freelancer, Logo design - $150- December 2014 Freelancer, create Visual design for the website: $330 July 2015 Upwork, Main Website development $3000 May 2016-April 2017 Freelancer, create updated high quality Visual design $450 July 2016 Forum, Wiki and Chat $1600 Oct 2016-Jan 2017 Testing and Bug finding $500 May 2017-April 2019 Additional bug fixing and feature implementation (dev #2) $1100 May 2017-April 2018 Bitcoin Implementation (not delivered) $520 Nov 2017 Bitcoin implementation (delivered and will be implemented later) $200 Dec 2017 Additional Bug Fixing and Feature implementation (from dev #1) $1407 April 2018-April 2019 SSL Fix $50 April 2019 Additional Bug Fixing and Feature implementation (new dev; H.M) $246 June 2019 - July 2019 Find and analyze apps that help improve government (A) $48 Aug 2019 Find list of websites related to govt $145 Dec 2020 Search for websites that help people participate in society’s improvement) [Dv] $295 April 2021 Analyze websites from above $250 June 2021 Political Research and brain storming (D and D) $370 July 2021 Give Ideas for Website $60 July 2021 Virtual assistant to help find participants + Join thinktank (JB) $330 April 2022 Join ThinkTank (Dv) $150 March 2022 Join ThinkTank (B.O) $230 March 2022 Join ThinkTank (MJC) $370 April 2022 Join ThinkTank (JB) $430 April 2022